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Light Armored Car M8

The most important armored vehicle of the US Army in World War II was the six-wheeled light armored car M8 (Light Armored Car M8), known by its British designation "Greyhound." Its development was driven by the US Army's requirement in 1941 for a six-wheeled tank destroyer armed with the 37 mm M6 gun. Studebaker entered the competition with the T21 prototype, Ford with the T22, and Fargo (a division of Chrysler) with the T23. On March 16, 1942, Ford completed the T22 prototype, which was later revised into the T22E2 prototype. Ford emerged as the winner, and the T22E2 prototype became the basis for the Light Armored Car M8.

During the competition for the wheeled tank destroyer, it became apparent, based on experiences in Europe and Africa, that the 37 mm gun was not sufficiently effective against German tanks. As a result, the specification was changed to focus on a light armored car primarily intended for reconnaissance. Reconnaissance vehicles were tasked with moving ahead of the main forces and gathering intelligence—revealing the enemy's positions and strength. The M8 had advantages such as high speed, low noise, reliability, low silhouette, and an effective gun against infantry and lightly armored vehicles. However, its speed came at the cost of weaker armor, which posed a significant risk to the crew in case of hitting a mine. The M8 was used for reconnaissance by tank destroyer battalions, cavalry units, and mechanized reconnaissance units of infantry divisions.

In March 1943, Ford began production of the M8 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and from May 1943 in Chicago. Both factories produced a total of 8,634 M8 vehicles by June 1945. In 1943, the M8 was also developed into the turretless command and reconnaissance version called the Armored Utility Car M20. From July 1943 to May 1945, 3,680 M20 vehicles were produced.

The M8 saw its first combat action in January 1944 in Italy and after the Normandy landings on the Western Front. It excelled in its reconnaissance role, particularly when moving on roads, on both battlefronts. The Greyhound also fought in the Pacific theater, where it was used as a tank destroyer against the Japanese. It was employed by the British, French, and Brazilian armies as well. In the US Army, the M8 remained in service beyond the Korean War, but it demonstrated its longevity in many other countries. After 1945, it was in service with several European states, and until the 1970s, many Latin American, Asian, and African countries became users of the M8. Even after more than 80 years since its creation, some users in Latin America and Africa still have it in their inventory.

Technical specifications of the vehicle:

Type: Light Armored Car M8
Manufacturer: Ford Motor Company, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Year of Production: October 1944

Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, radio operator/driver's assistant)
Weight: 16,400 lb (7,439 kg)

: 185 in (470 cm)
Width: 91 in (231 cm)
Height: 75 in (191 cm)
Ground Clearance: 11.4 in (29 cm)

Turning Radius: 27 ft (823 cm)
Maximum Gradient: 60%
Fording Depth: 32 in (81 cm)
Armor: 6.4 mm to 22.2 mm

Radio: SCR 508

Armament: 37 mm M6 gun (80 rounds); M2HB Cal. .50 machine gun (400 rounds) and M1919A4 Cal. .30 machine gun (1,500 rounds)

Engine: Hercules JXD (110 hp [82 kW] at 3200 rpm), six-cylinder gasoline engine
Transmission: 4+1
Maximum Speed: 55 mph (89 km/h)
Fuel Capacity: 54 gal (205 l)

If you are interested in renting the vehicle for a military-historical demonstration or a static exhibition, you can contact us via email: info@americanliberator.cz.

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