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1 1⁄2 - Ton 6x6 Truck (Dodge WC-63)

The Dodge WC-63 belongs to the wide family of military utility trucks of the WC series produced by Dodge from 1941 to 1945. By the late 1930s, the US Army needed to standardize its trucks as it operated too many different types. Dodge was contracted to manufacture the light-duty 4x4 trucks with a payload of half a ton. In 1940, the military version of the half-ton trucks, known as the VC series, was developed based on the Dodge T-series commercial trucks from 1939. After modifications according to the army's requirements, the WC series went into production in 1941.

Within the years 1941-1942, a total of 38 versions of the half-ton Dodge (WC-1 to WC-50) were produced on a common platform. In addition to cargo trucks, other variants such as ambulances, command vehicles, communication vehicles, and repair versions were also created. A total of 78,794 Dodge WC vehicles with a half-ton payload were produced. In response to new military demands, vehicles with a 3/4-ton payload were introduced in production from 1942. In total, 256,412 vehicles in 12 versions were produced until 1945. The most widespread versions of the WC series were the WC-51 cargo truck (123,541 vehicles) and the WC-52 (59,114 vehicles).

In 1943, the expansion of infantry squads to 12 soldiers led to a requirement for increased transport capacity in the Dodge WC vehicles since the produced 3/4-ton cargo trucks could only accommodate eight soldiers. By extending the WC-51 and WC-52 by 122 cm and adding a third driven axle, a 1.5-ton, 6x6 vehicle was created that could transport an entire twelve-member infantry squad. The vehicle for transporting troops and cargo was produced from 1943 to 1945 in the form of the Dodge WC-62 (23,092 units) and WC-63 (20,132 units), the latter featuring a winch on the front bumper compared to the WC-62. In addition to personnel transport, the 6x6 Dodge vehicles were successfully used as the prime movers for 57 mm anti-tank guns M1 in anti-tank battalions.

The Dodge WC vehicles were also supplied to allies under the lend-lease program (nearly 60,000 vehicles). After the war, surplus Dodge WC vehicles were sold to various other armies. In the US Army, the WC series remained in service until the Korean War when they began to be replaced by the 3/4-ton Dodge M37 trucks.

Technical specifications of the vehicle:

Type: 1 1/2-Ton 6x6 Truck (Dodge WC-63; Personnel and Cargo Truck with Winch)
Manufacturer: Dodge Trucks Division of Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Michigan, USA
Year of Production: 1944

: 224 3/4 in (570.9 cm)
Width: 82 3/4 in (210.2 cm)
Height: 84 3/4 in (215.3 cm)
Ground Clearance: 10 1/2 in (26.7 cm) rear axle

Engine: Dodge T-223 (92 hp [68.6 kW] at 3200 rpm), six-cylinder gasoline engine
Transmission: 4+1
Maximum Speed: 50 mph (81 km/h)
Fuel Capacity: 30 gal (113.5 l)

If you are interested in renting the vehicle for a military-historical demonstration or a static exhibition, you can contact us via email: info@americanliberator.cz

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