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Cargo Carrier M29 „Weasel“

The demand for a suitable vehicle for a planned special operation in Norway led to the development of the tracked Cargo Carrier M29 "Weasel" by the US Army. They needed a vehicle capable of parachute drops and maneuvering quickly and easily in the snow-covered terrain of Norway. The development was assigned to the Studebaker company, which delivered the T15 prototype (later known as the M28 "Weasel") for testing after just four months of work in the summer of 1942.

Due to the rushed development, the M28 suffered from several design flaws. Therefore, an improved version called the T24 was created in 1943, which was adopted into service as the Cargo Carrier M29. Later, an amphibious version called the M29C was introduced because the standard M29 lacked performance in water. With the addition of auxiliary floats and rudders, the M29C provided increased buoyancy and better maneuverability in water. Studebaker produced a total of 15,123 Weasels from 1943 to 1945. The production consisted of 4,476 M29 vehicles until 1944, followed by 10,647 M29C vehicles.

Due to the cancellation of the operation in Norway, the Weasel's first deployment occurred during the landing on the Aleutian island of Kiska in August 1943. It later saw significant use in Italy and after the Normandy landings on the Western Front. The Weasel demonstrated its capabilities on the beaches of Normandy, in the snowy Ardennes, during the Battle of the Scheldt Estuary, and in the marshy area between the Moselle and Saar rivers. The M29 also participated in the Pacific theater, including landings on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The M29 served in the Korean War, and in the Arctic regions, it remained in service with the US Army until 1958. The Weasel was also operated by the British, Canadian, and French armies. France utilized the M29 in the Indochina War and phased them out only in the 1970s. After World War II, the M29 Weasels found civilian applications as well. For example, they were used to assist at the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley, California.

With its low ground pressure, the M29 Weasel was able to traverse snow, mud, sand, swamps, and bodies of water. As a supply vehicle, it could reach places inaccessible to wheeled vehicles. In these challenging conditions, the M29 could transport nearly 500 kg of supplies and ammunition to the front. It found utility with engineers, served as a command vehicle, and also functioned as an ambulance capable of evacuating up to four wounded personnel.

Technical specifications of the vehicle:

Type: Cargo Carrier M29
Manufacturer: Studebaker Corp., South Bend, Indiana, USA
Year of Production: 1944

: 10 ft 5 ¾ in (319.4 cm)
Width: 5 ft 6 in (167.6 cm)
Height: 5 ft 10 13/16 in (179.9 cm) / 4 ft 5 11/16 in (136.4 cm) with folded windshield
Ground Clearance: 11 in (27.9 cm)

Approach Angle: 90° (front), 60° (rear)

Engine: Studebaker 6-170 Champion (75 hp [55.9 kW] at 3800 rpm), six-cylinder gasoline engine
Transmission: 3+1
Maximum Speed: 36 mph (58 km/h)
Fuel Capacity: 35 gal (132.5 l)

If you are interested in renting the vehicle for a military-historical demonstration or a static exhibition, you can contact us via email: info@americanliberator.cz.

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