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M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle

M1 Garand (officially marked United States Rifle, Caliber .30, M1, later Rifle, Caliber .30, M1 and abbreviated US Rifle, Cal. .30, M1) is a semi-automatic rifle using the .30-06 Springfield cartridge that was the standard U.S. service rifle during World War II and the Korean War, and also to a limited extent during the Vietnam War.

Most M1 rifles were issued to U.S. forces, although hundreds of thousands were also provided as foreign aid to U.S. allies. The Garand is still used by training teams and military honor guards. It is also widely used by civilians for hunting, target shooting, and as a collectible weapon. The M1 rifle is named after Canadian-American designer John Garand. It was the first standard self-loading military rifle. By most accounts, the M1 rifle performed well. General George S. Patton called it "the greatest battle tool ever made." The M1 replaced the standard U.S. infantry repeating rifle, the M1903 Springfield, in 1936, and was itself replaced by the M14 on March 26, 1958. 

The rifle was used as the standard infantry rifle of the U.S. Army during World War II, and from 1941 onwards by the United States Marine Corps, where, however, due to the slow pace of production, it did not begin to arrive in large numbers until mid-1943. In the late 1950s it was replaced by the M14 rifle. This did not mark the end of its career, however, as it was provided in significant numbers as part of US military aid to many countries around the world. From 1944, Garand rifles were refurbished and licensed for production in Italy. In the hands of the soldiers of the Republic of Vietnam, the weapon took part in even the first phases of fighting against the Viet Cong. 

This variant of the M1 Garand is the Nuova Jager M1 Garand self-loading rifle in 30-06 Springfield caliber. The breech cases come from a Danish contract, manufactured by Beretta or Breda. The breech case is marked FKF with a crown (Forsvarets Kriegsmaterial Forvalting - military administration of the Royal Danish Army). The gun is made from used American and Italian parts, the barrels are new from Sabatti. The bolt case is from a Danish contract, Beretta or Breda production. Barrel length 612 mm. Cartridge frame for 8 shots. Original military walnut stock.

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Eva Sedláková

1. 12. 2024

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Roman Sip

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Jana Kašparová

14. 11. 2023

Děkuji moc za krásný zážitek. Zbraní jsem se obecně bála, ale instruktoři svým profesionálním přístupem změnili můj pohled na tento koníček. Parádní team building! Dekujeme

Tomas Trojan

26. 10. 2023

Skvělé, skvělé, skvělé ! Moc děkuji za bezva zážitek a všem doporučuji. Musím pochválit bohatý výběr zbraní všech typů a ráží, včetně raritních a velkorážných kousků, na které jen tak nenarazíte. Zkušený a pohodový personál a odpovídající zázemí, nezbývá než smeknout a doporučit ostatním

Filip Urbancik

27. 10. 2024

Vřele mohu doporučit střelbu s American Liberator. Nespočet historických i moderních zbraní, dostupná lokalita a především velmi profesionální dozor. Mnohokrát děkujeme za skvělý zážitek.

Karel Syrovatka

24. 4. 2023

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Jan Cimbalník

24. 4. 2023

Objednávka merche vyřízena a doručena bleskově. Kvalitní materiál. Oceňuji velmi profesionální přístup. Díky a doporučuji!

Marek Pšenica

18. 9. 2023

Super ceny střeliva. Vynikající komunikace a proaktivní přístup.

Kristýna Kunická

5. 11. 2023

Super zážitek, doporučujeme každému odvážlivci vyzkoušet!

Houba II

24. 4. 2023

Velmi příjemný a akční zážitek, byli jsme překvapeni výběrem zbraní. Perfektí akce pro team building nebo adrenalinový dárek. Instruktoři příjemní a trpěliví. Neviděli jsme se naposled :o)


9. 11. 2023

Great girl! We had fun, great teambuilding, great agreement with the organizers. History explained, weapons briefing. I recommend it to anyone looking for entertainment for friends or company.


31. 5. 2023

Luxusní přednáška o zbraních, děkujeme moc. Moc si toho vážíme že jste dojeli až k nám<3
