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M1 Carbine semi-automatic rifle

The M1 carbine (official designation United States Carbine, Caliber .30, M1) is an American lightweight self-loading carbine developed during World War II and used in the post-war period.

This self-loading carbine was developed to U.S. Army Ordnance specifications requiring a lightweight self-loading or automatic rifle not exceeding 5.5 pounds (2.5 kg) in weight. After previous experience in World War II combat, the need arose to introduce a powerful weapon into the arsenal for paratroopers, officers, heavy weapons operators, drivers, signalmen, and other specialists. Pistols were too weak for this purpose and the M1 Garand rifle was too heavy. Winchester therefore developed a self-loading carbine perfected by designer David M. Williams. A new .30 calibre (7.62 mm) pistol-type cartridge with increased power was developed for this weapon. It was introduced into the U.S. Army arsenal in October 1941 under the name Cal. 30. Carbine M1.

The M1 Carbine operates on the principle of powder gas extraction through a transverse channel in the barrel wall. The breech, which has locking serrations in the front, is locked by rotation of the bolt about its longitudinal axis. The weapon has a cocked hammer action and allows only single shots to be fired. The diopter sight is adjustable at 75 and 150 yards . After the last fifteenth round is fired, the slide is not locked in the rear position. The clip located at the bottom in front of the trigger must be replaced with a full clip. The bolt must then be cocked and the weapon restored to the ready position.

Production of the M1 carbine began in 1941. These carbines were first deployed in combat during the invasion of North Africa in November 1942. Further modifications appeared during the war. The M1 A1 version for paratroopers with a folding stock or the M2 version with the ability to fire a burst. The carbine was very popular with reconnaissance and airborne units because of its readiness and ease of handling. It was also used after World War II, for example by the French army in Vietnam or by British soldiers in Malaya. War production delivered more than 4 million of these carbines.

M1 Carbine - First production version. Production began in the spring of 1942. It had a magazine for 15 rounds and weighed 2.36 kg. It was used by infantry troops.

M1A1 Carbine - A version with a folding steel shoulder rest and pistol grip used by airborne troops. Again had a 15-round magazine and weighed 2.53 kg. Adopted into service in May 1942 and produced until the end of the war (about 140,000 in total).

M2 Automatic Carbine - A version allowing single shot and burst firing, which appeared in September 1944. Possibility of attaching a bayonet to the lower part of the barrel. In April 1945, an enlarged 30-round magazine was also introduced, which, due to its shape, captured the slide in the rear position. Production took place mostly in the post-war period, with a total of 550,000 produced.

M3 automatic carbine - A modification of the M2 carbine for night fighting. Equipped with a silencer and infrared optics for night vision. Only 2100 units produced.

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