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CZ BREN 2 Ms, .223 16,5" rifle

The CZ BREN 2 Ms 16" / .223 Rem. rifle is an assault rifle developed in collaboration with security forces based on the experiences of top users.

The CZ BREN 2 Ms 16" / .223 Rem. rifle is one of the proudest and most advanced products in its category. It has been tested in all possible climatic conditions and consistently delivers outstanding results. This assault rifle can be used anywhere. The barrel of the rifle is cold hammer-forged, ensuring precise shooting even in the hands of a beginner. The ambidextrous charging handle remains forward during firing and can be switched to either side of the rifle.

The easy operation of the assault rifle is enhanced by the characteristics of the charging handle, which remains latched in the closed position even in extreme conditions. The adjustable shoulder stock is simple and reliable, made of highly durable polymer. You can adjust the length of the shoulder stock according to your specific needs. You can still access the trigger even with the stock folded. The effective muzzle brake can be easily replaced with a sound suppressor. The pistol grip has storage space, ergonomic shaping, and interchangeable backstraps. The rifle fits comfortably in your hand, even when wet or when wearing gloves. A secure grip on the weapon is one of the main advantages of this assault rifle. 

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