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Romanian AKM clone / WUM CAA rifle

Semi-automatic rifle of Romanian manufacture, calibre 7,62x39mm, with magazine for 10 rounds. The gun has a chrome bore, 14x 1 left hand muzzle thread (for PBS-1 silencer), adjustable sight, side and height adjustable sights, side rail for sight mounting and telescopic CAA stock.

The AKM submachine gun is an important firearm, developed as a variant of the AK-47 submachine gun, renowned for its reliability and widespread use. It was introduced in the late 1950s and quickly gained worldwide recognition, becoming one of the most produced and used submachine guns in history. The AKM's emphasis on simplicity, durability, and ease of use has made it a favorite of military forces, guerrilla groups, and insurgents around the world.

The AKM submachine gun is chambered for 7.62x39mm ammunition and offers a balance between controllable recoil and range. It has a pressed steel frame that is lighter and more economical than the clad frame of the original AK-47. This modification allowed for mass production and reduced the weight of the weapon.

The AKM's curved magazine and iconic shape are synonymous with reliability and durability, meaning it can handle extreme conditions and rough handling. Its reputation has led to its widespread use in various conflicts around the world.

However, the reach of the AKM submachine gun's influence is much greater than its origins. It has inspired the development of submachine gun derivatives and influenced the development of firearms around the world. Due to its reliability, simplicity and affordability, the AKM submachine gun has maintained its relevance in the small arms field.

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Jiri Folta

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Lukáš “Höpner” Loucký

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Vítek Novák

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Professional approach of instructors. A wide selection of weapons. Favorable prices. It will fulfill everything you expect from it. A very pleasant experience for me as a "non-shooter".
